Procom Diplexers

DIPX 225/330

Diplexer for combining or splitting the two ranges 0 – 225 MHz and 330 – 1300 MHz.

Excellent wide-band coverage – usable for a lot of frequencies.

The diplexer can support either two antennas to one multi-band radio, or a multi band aerial with separate radios. See Applications and Schematics below.

Extremely small dimensions.

FME, BNC, SMA, or TNC connectors on all terminals.

Operating temperature from -30 degrees to +70 degrees Celsius.

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DIPX 1000/1550-

The Diplexer is for combining or splitting the two ranges 0 – 1000 MHz and 1550 – 2700 MHz.

Excellent wide-band coverage – usable for a lot of frequencies.

The diplexer can support either two antennas to one multi-band radio, or a multi band aerial with separate radios. See Applications and Schematics below.

Extremely small dimensions.

DC pass on certain models.

Operating temperature from -30 degrees to +70 degrees Celsius.

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