Cellular Band Aerials


There are a number of models available to provide enhanced operation for the Cellular Band.

Two multi band cellular aerials are available, suitable for outdoor wireless networks operating in the LTE, GSM, CDMA, PCS, 3G, 4G & WLAN frequency ranges making these antennas ideal for outdoor voice and data wireless systems.

All models available in LTE Band.

Range includes:

Cellular Collinear Mobile Whip Aerial – 4dB Gain in black stainless steel.

Commercial 10 element yagi.

Cellular Marine Aerial With Tilt – 6dB Gain

The Coaxial 1/2 Wave Aerial, is a ground independent aerial and can be mounted in any location on a vehicle.

The Low Profile antenna, a robust aerial made from cast aluminium. 

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These stylish ground dependent bases and elements are supplied complete with a 4 metre FME to FME cable. FME (adaptor) connectors are available on request. This range of antennas can be direct mounted on to the vehicle panel or a bracket can be used.

Ground dependent base and element
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Multi Band Cellular Aerials

Two multi band cellular aerials are available, suitable for outdoor wireless networks operating in the LTE, GSM, CDMA, PCS, 3G, 4G & WLAN frequency ranges making these antennas ideal for outdoor voice and data wireless systems.

Multi Band Cellular Aerial
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